Monday, December 13, 2010

No bread, No sweets

Could it really be as easy as that to lose a few pounds?
I was discussing my blog and my love for consuming large amounts of food with a man yesterday
During this half hour talk I managed to eat 4 granola bars and an egg sandwich
somehow I kept the converstaion from being one sided between chewing and swallowing
but my point to this is he simply looked at me in the eyes and said, "it really doesn't need to be that hard. You don't need to count calories, or work out three times a day, or deprive yourself to small meals. Just cut out bread and sugar."
Could it really be that easy though? I'm going to find out.
Weight in in an hour and then starting off the next week with everything but bread and sweets and we'll see what becomes of it. Readddddyyy, OK.