You will be doing the following 2 exercises back to back with 5 seconds of rest in between until your timer tells you that 5 minutes is over. Your goal is to complete as many reps as you can during each 20 second interval.
You will repeat this sequence 6 times:
5 seconds rest
1. Push Up and Side Jump (alternating sides) – 20 seconds
5 seconds rest
2. Plank Elbow Knee Tuck – 20 seconds
Part 2
3 minute Time Challenge. You will do 5 Side to Side half squats over your exercise mat with the Sandbag on your shoulder, drop down and power up. Your goal is to do as many sets as possible during the 3 minute count down. Don’t forget to reset your timer so that it does the count down for you.
Part 3
Set your timer again to 12 rounds of 5 second and 20 second interval. You will be doing two exercises back to back with 5 seconds of rest in between.
You will complete this sequence 6 times:
5 seconds of rest
Jump Squat – 20 seconds
5 seconds of rest
Side Crunch (alternating sides)