Saturday, January 1, 2011

Do what makes you happy, don't do what doesn't

Hello January. Im going to make you my mine.
It is a new year and I am going to start it off strong with making everyday a productive one.
In saying that, not only do I want to continue to do something everyday to maintain my health but also, I want to be proactive in building for my future career. Because here I am. After three years of wandering and moving location to location, I have found myself living in the city of opportunity and it's time to start using the tools that are readily in front of me and the passion I have in my heart.
I have realized that it is not about the things that you enjoy at a certain moment that is what's most important. For me, what's most important is the feeling when you have pushed through things that you DIDN'T necessarily enjoy doing. Because the pride of reaching success with no one to thank but myself when I finally reach it gives me the uttermost happiness.
And I'm talking about any goal. I think it is just so important.Whether that goal is to lose 5 pounds, eat better, tone up, get that job, climb that mountain, ace that test, whatever.... I believe a goal constantly gives you something to concentrate on yourself and a reason to get excited to start the day everyday.

For some people it's not the lack of ideas of making there selves better but, it's the fact that some people just TALK about it so much. Talk talk talk. Do they even realize you can't expect anything to change without doing something differently? Can an object move without any force?  Sometimes I even catch myself expecting things to magically happen. I used to be all talk. Saying, "Oh I am going to move.... someday when I'm more stable in my life, oh I will go apply for those jobs... next week, or oh I will start working out.... after I wake up more."
Time to stop talking and start doing. Time to start getting after the life I always wanted, today. Not tomorrow but today.
At the end of January I will be doing things that I didn't think I could. Life is too short to live a day without passion for something.
What's your passion? What are you excited to do tomorrow? :)