Thursday, January 26, 2012

Going home

So Im off tonight to go back to good ol SLO town and it is definitely a bitter sweet moment. I have really enjoyed this time to myself to focus on myself and spend much over due quality time with both sets of parents. Back to the grind of working out outdoors (there isn't a 24 hour fitness in san luis obispo) however, thank goodness I have my workout buddy Jason :)
I will be in town for just a night because I'll be going to Los Angeles for the weekend for the 2012 Fitness Expo! Here I'll be able to get some free stuff, watch a bunch of cool competitions, get MOTIVATED, and see my first real live fitness model competition hoooray. Not to mention, it'll be really fantastic to meet people who have the same goals and principles as me. I feel like I have lost a lot of friends and support because of the fact people just don't feel like they know how to realate to me anymore. I have found out during this process the people who are my TRUE friends. The ones that support me and my goals and understand I can't go out binge drinking every night anymore, and are OKAY with that.

Then I'm off to the wild world of Vegas on the 30th for a job interview. A seasonal job where I can make and save $$$$$ and work in a bikini all summer long. Gotta kill it so I can travel October November December in Thailand, Indonesia, and Europe by myself and officially have the "Best Year of My Life'. :)
Oh and announcement everyone. If it doesn't conflict with working over the summer, Im a little less than two months out for my first Bikini Show. Iv'e never been so excited for anything! San Francisco here I comeeee.