Thursday, March 8, 2012

Learn how to eat things plain

BBQ sauce with chicken. Ranch on our salad. Mayonnaise dip with the artichoke.Sugar with our coffee Salt on our vegetables. Butter on our bread. 
We cover our delicious nutritious food with empty calories, sodium, and sugar. Why? Because we've trained our taste buds to crave this stuff!This bloats us, helps us hold onto fat, and add calories to our days without satisfying our hunger. I challenge everybody for 2 weeks to eat PLAIN and get excited about it! Because were finally going to learn how to taste the food how the earth made it!
I guarantee by the end of the challenge you will start to be able to taste how really "sweet" and apple can be and how delicious and refreshing vegetables can taste. When your hungry you will eat and when your full it'll be easier to notice and stop because there will be no added pops of "flavor" to intise you to 'just have one more serving!' :)

This may be harder for some than others. Here is a list of exceptions to keep from boredom.
Low Sodium Hot Sauce
Low Sodium Salsa
Olive oil
Coconut oil
Low Sodium Salt
Garlic Powder
Or any other no sodium spices :)