Thursday, March 29, 2012

Tips on how to stay motivated

1. Keep track of your progress
Take a picture of yourself tomorrow morning and dont look at it again for another two weeks. You don't have to show anyone and it doesnt have to be any sort of flattering. But in the long run.... 6 months from now... it can be a huge motivation to look back at that picture and see and say "wow, look how far I've come".
Same with measuring body fat and weight. It's a good back up to see your progress if your weight stays the same and your body fat is getting lower :)

2. Start your day off right.
Write down and schedule when and what your workout will be for the next day. Whether its making time for a 20 minute walk or mapping out and entire weight training workout. If you make a point to schedule your activity or meals like you would schedule a meeting or a hair appointment, your more likely to go through with it.

3. Cruise the internet ALL the time.
I personally start off in the morning by reading motivational quotes, pictures, and role models. It starts off your day right and gives you the "I CAN DO THIS"! energy that will carry through the day.

4. Don't guilt trip yourself.
If you messed up on your diet the day before or didn't have time to do the workout you wanted, JUST DROP IT. Bringing negative energy into the next day will do the opposite of motivate you to get back on track. Give yourself a break and know that breaking old bad habits wont happen overnight its OK!.

5. Get a support system.
It can be a make or break if the crew you flock with isn't on the same page as you or at least supportive of your new lifestyle changes. This is what I call, separating your true friends from your 'party only' friends. Some people even feel threatened and will try to put you down! This is where keeping on forums like or is a great place to get that daily outside motivation.
And hey, leading by example is the most powerful thing you can do. Don't preach to anybody about their lifestyle habits just do what you do and I guarantee you will inspire others around you!

6. Focus and remind yourself:
Of how good your going to look and feel after you program. Envision how amazing you will feel and feel as if you already have it NOW!