Wednesday, March 2, 2011

What kind of eater are you?

It's not necssarily ALL our fault we eat like sh*t.
& thank goodness because I was starting to get really frustrated with myself....

I stumbled upon an article called, 'What kind of eater are you?' the other day. I enjoyed it personally because not only did it make me feel less weird for having such repetitive bad cravings and eating schedules but....
it also said it wasn't necessarily all MY fault, either.
This was incredible music to my ears.
Anytime I get the chance to not have to take responsibility for my bad actions, I'm going to take it! :)
Maybe some of you will feel better too. It breaks it down like this.

Some of the many different reason we struggle with food stem from the way we were told, how we were raised, and how we are emotionally. I'm not saying however that these are unchangeable habit's because they ARE. However, we don't have to blame ourselves all the time.

The Choatic Eater is completely out of touch with their eating choices and habits. Constantly eating on the go, skipping meals, and over schedule themselves. They deal with food when it present and don't think about it till the next time food comes up.

The Unconscious Eater is never in tune to what their eating. Usually eat while multi-tasking driving, watching TV, cooking, working, reading etc. They'll eat whenever food is available and don't know if they are even hungry or have reached their fullness level. I like to call these zombie eaters too.

The Emotional Eater uses food to numb themselves to cope with something without realizing they are doing so. What they do realize though is that they eat too much. They feel powerless around food, often finishing a whole bag of potato chips without thinking for example.

The Waste Nothing Eater will eat more than they want to because they hate seeing food go to waste. They associate food with money but they dont realize that by doing this they ARE wasting! When food is in abundance they can help but to over eat until the full of  their stomach about to rupture.

The Cant-Say-No Eater is pretty self explanatory, If someone encourages them to eat more than they need or want, or invites them to eat when they just ate...they can't say no. Fearful of hurting or disappointing another persons feelings or impressing someone. A lot of people do this especially over the holidays.

The Restrictive Eaters seem to always be on a diet. The chronic dieter is constantly striving to lose a specific amount of weight, and creating new good and bad food lists they try to adhere to, but in the end they yo-yo between under eating, over eating and eating a whole bunch at once.(Binging) For these people there's little pleasure to eating.
I guess if I went into a BEA (Bad Eaters Anonymous) a year ago, I introduce myself like this
"Hi, I'm Jessica and I'm a unconscious, emotional, waste-not, refuse-not, restrictive eater... and it's not my fault"

Now, If none of these apply to you... gold star for you, me and the rest of the world envy your grace :)
But for all the rest I thought I'd post this for you guys so maybe you'll figure out what kind of eater YOU are.

Habits are easier to fix if you know what your dealing with ;)