Sunday, January 30, 2011

I think Iv'e fallen in love with myself in the least conceited way possible

Sorry I'm a little pumped up this morning :) So please excuse my ranting but I've got to do it because yesterday I had another epiphany.
I have come a long way to accepting and loving myself for what I am
and I can honestly say that I have never been so happy than I have the last few months
Figuring out who I am, what my passion is, and overall how much I care about being happy
theres no other point to my day
In the least conceited way I will say this,
I think I've fallen in love with myself

I'm putting my foot down and am going to make a commitment to myself today
and I'm going to tell everyone right now so I know I'm being held accountable
I love myself so much I don't think I deserve anything less
I want to be in the best shape of my life
I want people to look at me and get inspired to be fit
I want people to want to come for me for their nutrition and fitness advice
I want to be an example for others as well as myself
I want to prove to myself I can do anything I put my mind to
this is happiness, maybe not for you, but for me. And I plan to go after it!
I know I couldn't have done this in the past the 'right way' without becoming obsessed or some sort of self conscious
but being in such a great place right now I can reach my goals out of love for myself instead of guilt
(that might sound ridiculous but it definitely doesn't to me.)

i will NOT eat more calories than I expend
i will NOT put anything in my body that is not good for me
i will NOT drink alcohol because it only hinders me
i will NOT fall weak to temptation
i will NOT give myself excuses
i will NOT settle for anything below my full potential
The mind is the only thing that ultimately ever holds us back from not achieving the things we want
So as of today vocabulary will be "I CAN" and "I CANT" has been eliminated
I finally know what I want. And to be skinny isn't the case anymore. ANYONE can be thin but it takes a lot more effort to be in prime shape. Not bulky, but cut. Not body builder statu,s just maintaining a low but healthy body fat
A maintainable percentage without having to go to the gym everyday if I don't want. Or dare I say count calories. No thank you.
I just cant wait to prove to myself that when I have my mind set on something, I can do anything
oh yea
What is your goal? Maintaining you body? Mind body and soul? Losing weight? Body fat? Build muscle?Make healthier choices? A more active lifestyle? Accepting yourself more? Staying exactly the same?
Whatever it is, no one can stop you but you. Remember that!

Ok, I'm done. Have a fabulous day everyone :D