Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Happy Medium

I gave up blogging for awhile because it was getting to be too much.
Not "too much", like I was sick of writing though!
Oh no no no never, this past couple months have been the most fun ever typing on the patio of the Coffee Bean.
 I mean, "too much" like, getting too caught up in writing, studying, blogging, working in the field of Health and Fitness. It was kinding taking over my life I'm not going to try and lie.
I needed to be able to sit quietly and do something else I loved.... or hey, even just do absolutely nothing.

That's something I think I need to work on. Finding a darn happy medium.
I realize I wrap myself up into a topic so much I soon exhaust myself of the topic entirely. 
And then in my case, I don't slow down.... I just abruptly stop and take my focus elsewhere.
And I'm not just talking about how I went from blogging everyday to not blogging for almost a month.
I catch myself getting really into something and then getting over it really quickly over many things.
Am I the only one who does this? 
Because I'm beginning to feel a like the flightiest person on the planet when I look at my behavior sometimes.
I look at my self and tell myself "I'm just being spontaneous" for self justification
But even I think I need to draw the line with myself sometime, haha.
Can anyone relate?
Have you ever started going to the gym and found yourself really getting addicted to it? 
You find yourself going everyday, sometimes twice a day with your friend, weekends, weekdays whatever.
Then BOOM something happens. You don't go once which is followed by failing to go back for the next three months...
Yep, Ive done it. More than a few times.
Or you start cutting out sweets little by little where your so used to not eating dessert. To th point where that unhealthy itch stops becoming a craving altogether for months.
Then BOOOOM. Uh oh, not againnnnnn 
you have fro-yo once and you remember how delicious this treat is.
It's like you've had this demon released in you and now you want candy and muffins for every meal that entire week.....
Ive definitely done it.

I think the key to a healthy lifestyle needs to be finding a happy medium and stopping myself from trying to go all "hardcore".
 Maybe then I'll avoid the spiral downwards into "I-dont-give-a-sh*t- land".
Time to kick this Yo-Yo habit, one baby step at a time. 
And in the meantime I'll just keep telling myself this is normal 

Yay nice to talk to everyone again. I really missed you guys :)