Coconut Oil
This stuff is packed full of saturated fat and I cook 1 tbsp of this stuff with practically everything. It adds a sweetness without the sugar. P.S. New studies have shown that saturated fats don't make us fat if it comes from a natural source that hasn't been processed, so no fret! I use this instead of olive oil to cook with because unlike coconut oil that can withstand high heat, olive oil actually turns into transfat if it gets to a certain temperature. So drizzle the olive oil over your food and cook your food in the coco oil :)
Dynamitze Whey Isolate Vanilla
I mix this with water for my first meal of the day, use it directly after a hard workout, or mix it with 16oz of almond milk as a snack to keep me satisfied in between meals.
The Green Stuff (Broccoli, Spinach, Brussel Sprouts, Asparagus)
These have the lowest sugar content out of any other vegetables, for the most part they have medium levels of carbohydrates so you can stay away from all the pasta and grains that are keeping us fat.
Almond Milk
Its only 40 calories and is made out of fat burning FAT. 1 gram of sugar and 2 grams of carbs. This is wonderful to make your casein shakes at night with or with your protein powder for inbetween meal snacks. I usually drink 16oz at a time (2 servings)
Lean Turkey
This is my ultimate favorite protein. Cook with coconut oil mmmmm Im in heaven.
Casein Protein Powder
Its a slow releasing protein so I make a shake with this Peanut Butter Chocolate Flavor Casein Powder. Soooooo delicious and it keeps me from being hungry through the night from the slow release.
Fish Oil and CLA Pills
I take with every solid meal. This combo is especially good to help get rid of abdominal fat
Personally I stay away from
Vegetable or fruit juice its usually loaded with carbs, sugar, and calories. Then minus the nutritious fiber that makes fruits and veggies so good for us in the first place. I think juicing meals is probably the stupidest thing Ive ever heard of. Period.
-Peanut Butter
Well first of all, I can't control my intake of this delicious stuff so I just avoid it all together. Nuts are good for you I get it..... too bad peanuts are a legume not a nut. Try almond butter raw instead.
-Grains, Rice, & Beans
unless your a triathlete training miles and miles and miles a day, you don't need that "energy". Eat more fat sources like avocado, nuts, animal fat, coconut oil or olive oil instead as fuel. It'll burn off quick and take your body fat with it. Double plus.
Everyone has their own opinion about this one but I personally broke my cheese and yogurt addiction. It was just extra calories and it just didnt help, I think I'll stick to my unprocessed veggies, complete protein, and nummy fat
Sadly this turns straight to fat people, you might as well eat some greasy pizza and a taco cart burrito. Oh wait, you usually eat that too after a few hours of consuming alcohol. Good luck working THAT off :/