Tuesday, December 28, 2010

One foot in at a time

If I could snap my fingers and magically start eating perfectly tomorrow, I would
but of course that would be WAY too easy...
I mean, after trying this over night miracle several times and miseraby failing, I had to get realistic with myself
It was about time I tried a more practical method. Like setting one goal at a time.
I needed to put one foot in at a time in the pool and give my body a chance to slowly get used to the cold temperature change. Time to stop trying to jump in head first only to hop right out after feeling the shock and noticing I was in way over my head.
This way I could focus on one bad habit at a time in attempts to conquere my "demon"  then, once I felt like I accomplished it, I woud set a new one.
For me, it's not hard to break habits... it's just getting past that first week.
After that first miserable week when you feel like, "how the heck do people do this?"...BOOM, the next day after you have resisted temptation, saying no to the cookies, the carmel popcorn, and the sourdough spinach dip at that holiday work party, you feel unstoppable.
I may be alone on this but personally, just that feeling of success alone, is enough to keep me on track.
I started this method quite shortly after I started this blog
I'll refresh you...

Goal #1 Lose 2 pounds that week (When I was weighing myself)
Goal #2 No more night eating
Goal #3 No sweets, No Bread
Goal #4 No more weigh ins
Goal #5 No more fast food/eating out
Goal #6 No more high sodium food

Goal #2 though darn it...
I understand we all have our personal weaknesses.
but Goal #2 is the DEVIL....My own personal devil that one day I will destroy.
Goal #2 I have had to skip over and over and move on to the next goal and try to go back and accomplish it later. EVERYTIME.
New Years Resoution: Operation No Eating At Night.
I got this.