Sunday, February 27, 2011

I would like to thank the academy...

I'm watching the Oscars while writing this blog because it's been the only chance Ive been able to sit down for two seconds since Monday. A good busy of course :)
And its got me thinking. I can't take all the credit for some of the tips on this blog... I would like to thank Jackie Warner.
Sure, I obviously have gotten a lot of material and more basic knowledge from my NASM textbook
(National Academy of Sports and Medicine, I'm studying for my personal training certification)
but I can't believe it's taken me this long to dedicate a full blog to one of my most inspirational health and fitness books Ive read so far!
Not only has it changed the way I think about food, working out, and self confidence but I owe it to you guys to let you in on it too!
"This Is Why You're Fat (And How To Get Thin Forever)" by Jackie Warner
Yes I know it's the corniest title ever but I promise you it's not only for the morbidly obese, people.
It gives really good points and explains everything you need to know, in depth with proven facts, without losing your attention.
It's a New York Times Bestseller and if it doesn't motivate you to reach your goals after reading it
...... I don't know what to tell you actually.

Trust me you'll just feel incredible.
Personally, it's my health bible.
I read it in four days and I'm constantly referring back to it when I'm heading to the gym or the grocery store.
The first part introduces what REALLY making you fat and you'll be surprised to find out that it's NOT about portion, fat or carbs. Jackie breaks down how adding food works better than staying away from food, why being a weekend cheater works and other short tid bits she breaks down each with usually just a paragraph.
Part two is what you'll have opened to at the grocery store with lists and lists of things to grab and ways to not break your "good" plan when eating out from Mexican restaurants to steak houses and ways at how to ultimately "stick with it".
Part three talks about the 20 minute cardio which I blogged about not too long ago and how if you add circuit training into your workout you could be saving a lot of time by burning your ultimate amount of calories every time.
Lastly I love how she included metaphysics.
Pretty much what you learn if you read "The Secret" by Rhonda Byrnes,which I make well known is pretty much my life bible.
Without going into too much scientific detail she gets to the point, and what I try to say in this blog as much as possible, ======>
I can't stress it enough.
Everything is in steps.
So same with weight lose etc....First step: Absolutely know you can do ANYTHING you put your mind to

Now go get this darn book. It's so awesome it hurts.