Monday, February 13, 2012

Chronic Cardio and Crunches

Ladies please stop worrying about finding a "good ab workout"
and PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE stop it with that chronic cardio!!
Iv'e gotten a lot of questions lately about not wanting to do full body workouts and I just have one thing to say.
You will NEVER see a girl with a six pack but weak arms and legs. NEVER.
It is impossible to have a six pack (or at least see it) if you don't have a body fat percentage of 14-16% or lower and just doing constant cardio burns through your lean mass and not your fat mass. Sure, you'll see the scale go down but your not going to see those nice stomach muscles.
And crunches. ANY KIND OF CRUNCHES, I dont care if you do a million of these everyday. If your diet isn't 80% clean and if your skimping out on the interval training, all your doing is pushing the fat layer on your stomach out further. Yes if your constantly crunching you'll build a little muscle underneath but it'll all but for nothing because no ones going to see it.
Side note: A clean diet is eating things that come straight from the source. Such as in the form of an animal or a  plant. (protein powder is the exception).
Abs are made in the kitchen.

Sorry, had to vent a little. Abs arn't the only thing a girl needs anyways. Who wants to grab a flabby butt or hold onto mushy arms anyways? No thanks.