Friday, December 17, 2010

Get Excited!

If your dragging your butt getting to the gym on a winter day where you would rather stay inside.... either do something about it to lift yourself up or simply don't go.....
But I would highly recommend changing your mood, figure out what gets you excited and motivated whether it's keeping a few inspiring quotes around the house or going and buying the new magazine that just came out that month and using it to read while doing some high level on the olyptical. O L Y P T I C A L, is that how you spell it?

WHAT I DO: I pop a five hour energy (all natural vitamins and good for you), eat something small portioned healthy snack, get my juices flowing and get in my workout mood  by either running upstairs or doing a quick stretch in my studio, and then I have my man meet me to keep me pumped and push me through my work out.

   Im going to start bringing my iFlip everywhere for documentation. It'll give me a break from typing so much and you'll be able to see my retarded face more.
It's a win, win.
And yes Im aware people that I haven't quite gotten the angles of the camera yet,but maybe with practice I'll get better at getting my whole face on the screen. Maybe.