Thursday, December 16, 2010

ok, so I failed.... whatever.... moving on

   Ladies and Gentlemen, here its the epiphany of my city. This picture doesn't do much justice to this poor girl's months of probably starving herself but, in person, I couldn't believe she even had enough muscle to hold her 5'6" body up!
Perfect example of what I am constantly up against, ray bands over her eyes, baggy $300 hobo dress/shirt, messy bun, with high heels on her feet so tall she could hardly keep her ankles from shaking.

The coffee shop across the street from me is a particularly hot spot for these ladies. But it is also a place where I have met the most positive and inspiring people. (I understand in the next paragraph I will not be talking about health and fitness at all....)

I mean just today for example I run into a man who completly made my entire day. A person who has the same positive attitude and zest for life, and love for health and fitness just like me. I believe you attract what you give out. If you talk to, and give your energy to even the strangers that you just happen to come in contact through your day, you have a better chance of meeting other people just like you because you will naturally be attracted to eachother. It's a beautiful thing and even though it does not happen everyday, I have met a few people that have made a strong impact on me at this silly little coffee place. Such an impact in fact, I owe them all a thank you because they have inspired me start going after what I originally came to Los Angeles for. Nothing on purpose, but they did.

P.S. I must confess my sins and tell everyone that I couldn't even make it one night without eating past 8. Thats right folks, I woke up without checking my clock either in a sleep walk or a state of mind in which I had no care in the world. In my mind it was morning so I ate a few chicken sandwiches and some eggs.
I get back into bed and dare to check my phone..... whoops it's 3am....not breakfast time, or even close.
So what do I say to myself when I wake up full and remember my late night feast from a few hours prior?
It's okay lets try again tonight, no need to be upset about it.

"When you fall down get back up or else you'll NEVER get off the floor."