Saturday, February 5, 2011

Zip It Up

I'm at the point where I would like to think I am pretty knowledgeable about what is and what isnt good eating habits
Such as the well known rules to eat small meals throughout the day, avoid carbs after dinner, eat fresh instead of pre-made and processed, try to not to eat out. Got it, got it, got it, got it.
However, this is what goes wrong. 
I'm studying, working out, going to class, hanging out with friends, and at the same time trying to make sure I eat my four portions of protein, three cups of vegetables, two fruits, two carbs, and one fat.
I lose track

By lunch time I get to the meals that require me to actually make something like hard boiling eggs, steaming some broccoli, grilling shrimp, or making rice and by that time I would rather just grab something quick (usually not as healthy) or most likely another piece of fruit.
Hah. In fact wow now that I think about it I eat fruit A LOT out of convenience
I guess I go a little overboard on the quick yogurt and cottage cheese too.

So today I tried something out
I have heard this tip in every magazine, in every diet plan but have never tried it out personally because I wrote it off as something for extreme dieters only.
Why? I don’t know I just thought it was for the portionally challenged.

Zip locking all your food in prepared single serving baggies.
Perfectly ready to be grabbed on the go or heated up later.
When I got back to the house from Whole Foods I started cooking a mass amount of beans, legumes, and rice. And during separating all the shrimp, strawberries, tuna, cauliflower, raw almonds I realized how genius it is.
Sure I spent about two hours with zip locks in my tiny "kitchen".... but there's too many pro's to this method.
It’s going to save me time from not having to cook.
It’s going to save money when I don't have to buy a snack when Im having a hunger emergency and I’m stuck far from home in a place with limited options.
And most importantly, it'll save my hard earned body from destruction by being monitered to eat perfect size portions, making it impossible to slip and eat a whole box or bag :)



Let's see if this works as planned!