Saturday, January 14, 2012

Trial and Error

1 cup black coffee 4 calories
Protein powder, BCAAs, Creatine Water 50 calories 15 g protein
Protein powder, coconut milk,120 calories 15 g protein

2 hard boiled eggs, 1 cup veggies green tea 208 calories 17 g protein

4oz chicken, tuna, salmon/1 cup veggies-half avocado or 1tsp olive oil, or coconut oil, green tea
288 calories 29 g protein

Protein powder, BCAAs, Creatine 50 calories 15 g protein
Protein powder, coconut milk 120 calories 15 g protein

4oz chicken, tuna, salmon/ 1 cup veggies- half avocado, olive oil, coconut oil, green tea
288 calories 29 g protein

3 egg whites 51 calories 10.5 g protein


So thats why I was freaking starving....
Ok trial and error lets try this plan out again and do the calories and protein BEFORE I try it out.
Gez could I set myself out to fail any more? haha I felt like a scavenger come 10pm

Im 5'9" and to maintain I would need about 1850 (more or less) and 180 to 200 g of protein to keep lean muscle.
I was wayy off with my new plan.
My goal is to stay in the 1600 for cutting and about 200 grams of protein

One scoop in morning 15g protein 50 calories

Scoop after workout 30 g protein 100 calories

Breakfast:  3 hard boiled eggs and 2 cups of veggies 339 calories 22 g protein

Snack: Protein powder one scoop coconut milk 1 cup veggies 164 calories 17g protein

Lunch: 4oz any meat or fish, 1 tbsp coconut oil or olive oil, 2 cups of veggies  434 calories 36g protein

Snack: Protein powder one scoop coconut milk 164 calories 1 cup veggies 104 calories 17g protein

Dinner: 4oz any meat or fish, 1 tbsp coconut oil or olive oil, 2 cups of veggies 434 calories 36g protein

Snack: 1 cup egg whites 2 cups veggies 1/2 avocodo  374 calories 33.5 g protein
(I keep it big before bed so I sleep through the night haha)

206.5 g protein and 1999 calories
That works for me. okay lets try this again