Tuesday, March 8, 2011

My new job may be the death of me

....not literally, but If you have ever worked in the restaurant business, I know you catch my drift.

A year ago I got my first restaurant job at a hot wings and beer place.
(yes I sported the orange shorts, embarrassing but it happened. anyways, moving on.)
Before then I had never been into fast food, breaded wings, or desserts.
It's hard to explain but, until you surrounded by hundreds of people and just the smell of this bad-for-you food in general all day everyday.... you start to get the illusion that it's okay to eat this kind of stuff every shift.
Plus its practically FREE. I mean, who can reject cheap food?
Apparently not me.
All the sudden I was craving the greasy stuff all day long. During my shift, after my shift, late at night, even in the morning.
My taste buds were really getting used to this stuff and no matter how hard I worked out and promised myself I would start back a healthy diet tomorrow....my body wanted it more.
Then I moved to Los Angeles and got a job at an popular Irish pub in Hollywood.
It wasn't better.
Nachos, bread pudding, and fried avocado? What a disaster.
However, I will say in November I quit that job and found it so easy to transition back to my better habits when I quit.
I started this blog, working out again, cooking, hanging out at whole foods.
yay this was more like it!
But, it's been a few months, And cash is starting to run real low not working.
I'm defiently ready to start making that money again.
Ive been training at this new bar/24 hour restaurant which opens up in two days and I'd be lying if I said that I'm not doubting my will power ability to say "no".

Will I have the strength to say no to the quesadillas that are sent back and offered to the waiters?
Will I break and eat the food everyday on my lunch break? (These aren't small portions people)
Will I sneak a fry or two (or 50) here and there in the kitchen?
(people who work with food don't judge, you know you do it too.)
I MUST STAY STRONG and set some goals for me to resist falling back in the hole I once caught myself falling into.
So here I go. I'm publicly announcing this so you all can hold me accountable.
Here's what I plan to do to avoid this turning into a disaster:

I found a co worker who has the same trouble and is down to help support each other to stay on the right track. We are going to try and hit the gym either before or after work. We will not eat at the restraunt, EVER under any circumstances. Theres a Trader Joe's right next store so no excuses. We will bring snacks for snacking emergencies and it will be good for me to practice saying "no" to free food and remember just because its free doesn't mean it's good.

I can do this.

I can do this.

I can do this.....
Please pray for me just in case though :)