Friday, January 21, 2011

Be selfish

..... because your the only one who has to wake up with yourself in the morning.

I have made myself truly believe that I'm the last person responsible when I catch myself, "steering off track." It was because THEY brought all that junk food over or THEY didn't want to go with me to the gym so I couldn't. yada yada yada.
And I have to be a little bit in my own face and say to myself, "No No No jessica, anyone can choose their fate and jump off a cliff if that's what they want but does that mean you have to, too?"
(I feel like I'm talking about the 'Just Say No' peer pressure to smoking, commercial)
anyways let me give you some of my own personal examples.
sleeping in instead of getting up in the morning and starting my day because a friend was in town. Digging into the nachos the table ordered on Sunday football after I set a personal goal prior to banish cheese from my diet. Went out drinking for a good friend's good friend's birthday at some Hollywood club when I knew I had to be refreshed for an interview that next day. Watching reality TV with my girlfriends instead of studying, when I know I only have a few more months before my personal training final exam.
And I can't be the only person who has never thrown their own 'pity-party' when failing every goal I set for myself and not going through with one thing I was planning on getting done all week. Right?
Isn't it human nature to take the easy route and point the finger instead of owning up that you have your own personal weaknesses to work on?
I get caught into 'feeling bad' if I don't drink when I go out with people. 'Feeling bad' for blowing off plans because I'm behind on my work. 'Feeling bad' if I want to video blog or hit the gym instead of going to a movie.
And again it all comes down to happiness. So if your happiness is being able to sleep or hanging out with friends and living everyday day by day without working towards some kind of accomplishment or the want to make yourself a better person. I'm a big supporter... as long as your really happy. But if your like me and ares striving for either a set dreams or several goals for yourself, start acting TODAY and stop blaming this or that and keep your eyes on your prize!
Meanwhile don't worry about what people's opinion may be because YOU are ultimately responsible for what you are and what you become. Your life can be different from theirs, because its yours. So rock it out :)