Sunday, February 27, 2011

I would like to thank the academy...

I'm watching the Oscars while writing this blog because it's been the only chance Ive been able to sit down for two seconds since Monday. A good busy of course :)
And its got me thinking. I can't take all the credit for some of the tips on this blog... I would like to thank Jackie Warner.
Sure, I obviously have gotten a lot of material and more basic knowledge from my NASM textbook
(National Academy of Sports and Medicine, I'm studying for my personal training certification)
but I can't believe it's taken me this long to dedicate a full blog to one of my most inspirational health and fitness books Ive read so far!
Not only has it changed the way I think about food, working out, and self confidence but I owe it to you guys to let you in on it too!
"This Is Why You're Fat (And How To Get Thin Forever)" by Jackie Warner
Yes I know it's the corniest title ever but I promise you it's not only for the morbidly obese, people.
It gives really good points and explains everything you need to know, in depth with proven facts, without losing your attention.
It's a New York Times Bestseller and if it doesn't motivate you to reach your goals after reading it
...... I don't know what to tell you actually.

Trust me you'll just feel incredible.
Personally, it's my health bible.
I read it in four days and I'm constantly referring back to it when I'm heading to the gym or the grocery store.
The first part introduces what REALLY making you fat and you'll be surprised to find out that it's NOT about portion, fat or carbs. Jackie breaks down how adding food works better than staying away from food, why being a weekend cheater works and other short tid bits she breaks down each with usually just a paragraph.
Part two is what you'll have opened to at the grocery store with lists and lists of things to grab and ways to not break your "good" plan when eating out from Mexican restaurants to steak houses and ways at how to ultimately "stick with it".
Part three talks about the 20 minute cardio which I blogged about not too long ago and how if you add circuit training into your workout you could be saving a lot of time by burning your ultimate amount of calories every time.
Lastly I love how she included metaphysics.
Pretty much what you learn if you read "The Secret" by Rhonda Byrnes,which I make well known is pretty much my life bible.
Without going into too much scientific detail she gets to the point, and what I try to say in this blog as much as possible, ======>
I can't stress it enough.
Everything is in steps.
So same with weight lose etc....First step: Absolutely know you can do ANYTHING you put your mind to

Now go get this darn book. It's so awesome it hurts.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Yay, it's Monday!

Starting this week I'm going to stop looking at Mondays as the beginning to the grueling week
Instead I'm going to get excited about it being a clean slate!
Forgetting about the mess ups, the stress, the failed attempts last week (or last month) and starting off fresh.
I'm going to start making every Monday a habit to get things done. A day to get things accomplished.
Didn't squeeze in your five day 20 minute cardio sessions last week? Ate more than your 2 only planned cheat meals?
Eh, Who cares. No need to sweat about things we ultimately can't take back.
Start it off right today. Forget about it. Today is the beginning of a whole new week.

Get a notepad and write down your five days you know you'll have time to fit in 20 minutes of  a little sweat and burn. Then write down exactly what meal your going to "cheat" on on Saturday and Sunday after you've gone five consecutive "clean eating days".
Yay rewards :)
Now what to do? Get out there and set the tone for the rest of your amazing week your going to have!
Don't feel guilty and punish yourself for eating all the junk last night, smile because you have the choice to succeed this time.

Quick note: Studies have shown that you are most likely to continue your workout routine for the rest of the week if you workout on a Monday.
In other words slap that Monday around and make it your b*tch.... Cheerio.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Compare Yourself, Tear Yourself.

Hello people. Today is one of those struggling days so please just put on your listening ears and hear me out.
Maybe I'll blame it on the abrupt change of weather that's got me all in a funk. It's finally actually starting to feel like what the month of February should feel like. Cold and overcast.
I went from being content with my schedule and routine of diet, and now have found myself comparing mine to other peoples. I can't be the only person who's done this though right?
I mean, I'm not talking about looking at others who are overweight (obviously)... and I sure am not looking at people who are skin n bones.
But who I'm comparing myself to is the athletic, small waisted, skinny legged people at the gym and amongst my friends. Sure you could simply call it a case of jealousy and the only way I know how to get over something, is to talk it through. So here I go.

Okay I just re read what I wrote. Hahaha I already feel silly, oh well, continuing..

Why am I the only person who wakes up and devours a huge breakfast to get energy from the gym?
I'm so sick of people who say, "yeah I had a banana and that filled me up."
What the &%&$^$? For real??!
Or the people who are too busy to eat till almost dinner time? How?
I could neverrr do that without feeling like DEATH as my stomach started to literally eat itself.
I'm getting hung up on portions. I'm getting confused whether I'm eating too much or too little.
I thought I ate like a normal person until I started eating with people again this past couple days.
(Iv'e been so busy lately, always eating at my house or on the go)
It's hard to ignore the ridiculous insecure second guessing thoughts that are bouncing around in my head like; "well that's why you don't look like them" and "I can't eat correct portions obviously" and "stop constantly eating".

This isnt me, whats going on?
 But see how anyone can get wrapped up and have insecure moments, no matter who you are or how secure you think you are with yourself?
I'm here to say to myself and to anyoneelse who has found themselves in a weak moment:
 go ahead. whine about it, pull the "poor me card", get mad at it.................. then move on.
Keep pushing, keep healthy, keep happy, and don't EVER compare yourself to anyone else.
Do what feels right, good, and natural.
Im feeling better all ready
Everyone have a wonderful Friday :)

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Pleasure or Pain?

Next time you picture your favorite food pay attention to what your thinking about it.
For example, Pizza Pizza!
Warm and gooey straight hot right out of the oven and so cheesy you have to use two hands to keep all the toppings from melting off the bread.
Does this picture sound horrible to you? Most likely not. Now stop drooling piggy piggy.

As human beings we are hugely motivated by feelings of either pain or pleasure.
Naturally we think of dieting and exercising as some kind of punishment or deprivation. Negative feelings.
Sandwich dry without mayo? Ick.
Sweating at the gym until your sticky and stinky? Gross.
Skipping dessert? pooey.
Lunging until your muscles are burning? Ouchhh.
No wonder it's so hard to change our habits into GOOD habits when we're associating them with feelings of feeling BAD for ourselves!

We look at a batch of chocolate chip cookies and think subconsciously "Pleasure Pleasure Pleasure".
It's out of habit, it's not your fault. But what if we flipped it?
What if we began to channel our feelings into feeling TERRIBLE while looking at those cookies? As horrible as we would feel as if we were told we weren't allowed to eat anything but celery all day?
It may be easier to pass...
I am going to make this a habit every time I come across something that's not good for me.
I am going to picture standing in my swimsuit in front of lots of people feeling self conscious and out of shape. Or picture running with my friends and not being able to catch up, maybe visioning me uncomfortably full and sluggish.
And when I workout I'm going to smile with the sweat and the burn because I will associate it with my body getting stronger, leaner, and sexier and being able to relax for the rest of the day.:)

Your mind is the most powerful thing so it makes sense that what you think about ultimately determines your results.
So here's an easy homework assignment: Next time you eat something or go to the gym, PAY ATTENTION TO YOUR MOOD. 
Catch yourself if your feelings aren't in check. Talk yourself into changing a feeling of pleasure to pain or pain to pleasure.
Sure, you may not believe yourself right away. But just like good pathological liars do, the more you start telling yourself that something is true (you hate cupcakes, you love running) over and over and over again. You start to believe it. Your body starts to believe it. Trick yourself into making good habits forever and watch your body transform!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Oh No Cardi-O!

Ugh. My voice is off from my mouth, stupid web cam. Why did someone have to break in my car and steal my new iFlip camera? :( The audio is still crisp though so che che che check it out!

Treadmill- Raise the ramp all the way to 15 with your speed 3.0-4.0 and walk without touching the machine with your hands for 2 minutes. Next lower the ramp to 1 and run as fast as you can for the next two minutes. Then for 1 minute lower your speed and walk steady to catch your breath. Repeat Repeat Repeat, then your done.

Elliptical- Keep the ramp between 1 and 5 pedal fast and hard make sure you keep it above 170 strides per minute for 2 minutes. Next, 2 minutes raise the cross ramp as high as itll go and put the resistance where you are struggling to move your legs. Then put it back down to resistance 1-5 and steady pace for a minute. Repeat Repeat Repeat, then your done.

Indoor Bike- For 2 minutes pedal at a pace that feels challenging but you can pedal fast still. Next for two minutes, increase your resistance and stand up on the bike where it feels like your literally peddling through mud. Dont hunch over keep good posture. Last minute return to a comfertable resistance and speed. Repeat Repeat Repeat, then your done.

Swimming- 4 minutes swim at a consistent pace. 1 minute swim slower. To prevent boredome switch up the strokes every 5 minute round. Repeat Repeat Repeat, then your done.

This one is my favorite---->

Walking/Hiking- You can do this on a flat road or for more of a challenge find a hilly trail. Walk at a fast pace or lunge (I do lunges) for 2 minutes. Run at a fast pace for 2 minutes. Then walk for a minute to catch your breath. Repeat Repeat Repeat, then your done.

Stair Climber- (Perform two 10 minute intervals) Start with reasonable 75 steps per minute for 4 minutes without holding on the the rail. Next, skip a step and really push off your heels not with your toes, for 4 minutes. Then bring the pace down to 60 steps per minute. Repeat, your done.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Zip It Up

I'm at the point where I would like to think I am pretty knowledgeable about what is and what isnt good eating habits
Such as the well known rules to eat small meals throughout the day, avoid carbs after dinner, eat fresh instead of pre-made and processed, try to not to eat out. Got it, got it, got it, got it.
However, this is what goes wrong. 
I'm studying, working out, going to class, hanging out with friends, and at the same time trying to make sure I eat my four portions of protein, three cups of vegetables, two fruits, two carbs, and one fat.
I lose track

By lunch time I get to the meals that require me to actually make something like hard boiling eggs, steaming some broccoli, grilling shrimp, or making rice and by that time I would rather just grab something quick (usually not as healthy) or most likely another piece of fruit.
Hah. In fact wow now that I think about it I eat fruit A LOT out of convenience
I guess I go a little overboard on the quick yogurt and cottage cheese too.

So today I tried something out
I have heard this tip in every magazine, in every diet plan but have never tried it out personally because I wrote it off as something for extreme dieters only.
Why? I don’t know I just thought it was for the portionally challenged.

Zip locking all your food in prepared single serving baggies.
Perfectly ready to be grabbed on the go or heated up later.
When I got back to the house from Whole Foods I started cooking a mass amount of beans, legumes, and rice. And during separating all the shrimp, strawberries, tuna, cauliflower, raw almonds I realized how genius it is.
Sure I spent about two hours with zip locks in my tiny "kitchen".... but there's too many pro's to this method.
It’s going to save me time from not having to cook.
It’s going to save money when I don't have to buy a snack when Im having a hunger emergency and I’m stuck far from home in a place with limited options.
And most importantly, it'll save my hard earned body from destruction by being monitered to eat perfect size portions, making it impossible to slip and eat a whole box or bag :)



Let's see if this works as planned!