Monday, March 28, 2011

To The People Always On A Diet

It took me awhile to fully understand that eating healthy and working out wasn't just for getting to a certain destination (body size).
I would yo yo and yo yo back and forth. From that weight, to this weight. Cutting out carbs all together, to eating ONLY carbs.
With so many "rules" we hear from advise from our friends, read in magazines, were told by our parents, We have been blinded from actually LISTENING and FEELING what our bodies are telling us we need.
And instead were going by guidelines we think we must follow to lose weight or whatever health goals we have.
As you know, deciding to go on a diet usually starts like this.
We wake up one day look in the mirror or hop on a scale and see the results from the month we took "time off" from the gym and making meals at home.
We then make an oath to 'punish' ourselves. (In otherr words we declar ourselves were going on a DIET...ooooOO)
Then we all  have our own diets we like to try, we limit our calories, we cut out main food groups, we don't eat when were hungry but when we think we've gone long enough, or skip breakfast or dinner. Or worse have a soda for lunch. Promise ourselves to hit the gym twice a day everyday for two weeks.
And we expect ourselves to stick to this!?
We are pretty crazy people.
Because when we try to deprive ourselves and set these strict rules we set for ourselves as punishment for being 'bad', we sooner or later do what our body natural does..... we rebel like the lost boys.
It's a pretty horrible feeling this process. Followed immediatly by guilt, depression, the feeling of weakness.

A few years ago 5 pounds after my weekend cruise of bingeing on sweets and tequila,  I was ready to lose the weight IMMEDIATLY not next month, right now gosh darn it.
I mean, if someone wouldve told me then that I shouldn't 'punish' myself for letting lose and not to rush to lose 2 1/2 pounds per week for the next few weeks, I would have punched them in the face and told them to mind their own bees wax.
After all I feel disgusting and they have no idea what it's like... right?

It's hard to learn but once you really start to believe and understand that weight and body shape is not a destination but a FOREVER journey to maintain your natural, healthy, specially-meant-and-designed-for-you body weight. You will yo yo from diet to diet in diet HELL.
What I mean by your natural, healthy, specially-meant-and-designed-for-you body weight is the weight you are when you only eat when your hungry, stop when your full, and are average active at least three days a week.
I know.... but you want to be magazine perfect, right? That will be the only way to ever be happy.
.........nope, let me tell you a little story

Ive been at the best shape of my life three years ago... lowest weight, lowest body fat lean mean training machine. Working with a trainer, ate the same thing everyday. Was it maintainable?
Absolutely not.
Could I not ever eat out again, measure six proportioned little meals per day, train an hour high intensity cardio everyday, and never eat a carb again?
I would never ever ever wish to be that size again....
And even though I can daydream about how great I looked back in the day, I would never try for that again.
I mean how could I be?  I had alienated myself from friends, my mood swings were everywhere, and keeping this crazy body composition maintained, it was like going against my own natural current.
Took over all my energy and focus from my family, school, work. My life.
So I guess what I'm trying to say from my own personal experience is that a number on a scale isn't going to magically make you love yourself.
Seeing 115 isn't going to make your life better.
You've got to love your body now even the lumps, the bumps, and cellulite (or whatever). and pay attention to when your body is asking for instead of what rules you think you should follow.
When your body is thirsty and needs hydration drink liquids. When your tummy is grumbling, eat.
There is no exact diet you must follow or certain times or portions you must eat.
It really simple stop and breath. Take your time with food. Ask yourself if your hungry constantly. (While you eat and even when your not eating.) Make everytime you work out or eat feel like a meditation session.
Smile :)
It's okay to change unhealthy habits, Im not saying it's not. But, focus on changing one bad habit at a time. Bad habits like eating when your not hungry, eating past your comfortable fullness, eating things that aren't good for your body (tons of sweets).
Stop dieting and start living like I did. Stop the mentality of punishing yourself and instead start being gentle and love yourself today.
In this world we are in now.... it's a hard concept to take in. But the sooner you completely understand that dieting is self destructing, not a solution, you WILL be set free :)
You choose when to start

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Today I promise to myself and everyone, to give at least one thing to someone everyday. No matter how big or small, for a family member or a stranger, giving money, encouraging words, an ear to a friend, a smiler or even an item that I own. Im taking the challenge to give one kind, selfless gift once a day for the next 29 days.
I am a true believer that you only get back what you give out.
Looking back now I realize, it's how Ive come to meet some of the greatest people by aquantaince, the career opportunities that have been given to me, the health I have now, the good luck Iv'e been given, and the bond I have with my family.
Yes, I understand this is a health blog and not a "be selfless blog".
But I do believe in order to be a healthy person, you have to be a happy person too... and I believe happy people aren't selfish.

My grandma told me about this challenge which started at the book called "How a month of giving can change your life" and it's website.
I do plan on reading the book in the near future but I was so excited when I saw this website it motivated me and I made my profile just like I made this blog, and found I can hook up to twitter, send pictures from my phone, and talk to other people who are doing the same things :)
I'll be keeping track, taking pictures, and sharing what I do everyday!

Something like this will be good for me right now... living in LA, "single" (not married) and living alone.
It just happens that most of my days consist of thoughts like "what am I going to do", "how can I feel better", "what do I feel like".
Pretty much Me Me Me.
This project gives me a time in my day to think about helping someone else out for a change.
You guys can check out the website and create your own profile too, check out more in depth how this idea came about, why people are so involved, and examples of little gifts.
This is going to be fun! Add me if you join :)
And thanks grandma for the idea, you always find me the neatest things to do :)
Love You.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Im coming out of the closet

not really. I like boys still, not girls, but I do want to share something about me that not many people know about.
It's something Iv'e struggled with on and off for the past 2 years.
I've gone through obstacles trying to keep"this thing" a secret but I'm feeling extra vulnerable and brave lately
Here it goes, I have a syndrome called NES (No, it's not a new form of cancer or even an STD)
NES stands for Night Eating Syndrome.
I'm guessing most of you guys are thinking...... "What the hell does that even mean?"
Well, it's a specific eating disorder that has been documented as far back as in the 1800's and is semi common, about 2 percent of the population is diagnosed with it today.
NES consists of waking up in the middle of the night, usually two hours after I fall asleep and finding myself eating anywhere from a small snack to HALF of my days worth of calories!
The key word is in the MIDDLE of the night. Not late at night, which is pretty common but, I literally can't go a night without having one of these bingeing sessions mid sleep.
Some nights I'm completely conscious of what Im doing in the moment. However, other times I don't realize what I have done until after the fact. Or even in the morning. Each night it depends.
Two years ago I thought it was that maybe I wasn't getting enough calories during the day so my body waking me up was because I was hungry. But that wasn't it I was doing it even if I ate right before bed, I would do this even if I wasn't hungry!
I eat more than enough from morning to night time, usually 2100 calories in a given day.
So it's not because I'm depriving myself of food and my body thinks it's going into starvation mood.

click this to watch a video about Night Eating Syndrome

My research tells me that causes of NES can be stress, underlying emotions, and sleeping disorders.
I haven't quite figured out which one is causing me to do this but I do know that it's not a good feeling and its exhausting hoping all day long that I won't do it the following night.
No body ever wants to have a 'problem'. It's almost to the point I'd give up anything to not have this disorder.
I feel horrible when I wake up if you could imagine, I have a loss of appetite throughout the following day, I feel restless, guilt, and the worst side effect that bothers me the most?... it's fricking embarrassing.
I mean it's okay if I'm staying the night at my studio apartment alone but what if I'm not home? ?
If I don't make a conscious effort to bring food to stay the night with me (because I know theres a 90 percent chance I'll care less whose food ill be eating at 3 am) I'll just eat theirs! Not on purpose but it happens.
These people know what I'm talking about and I'm apologizing right now with my imaginary tail between my legs. Im sorry I had no control.

At first when I found myself waking up each night again and again I thought I was rebelling against myself, it was just a bad habit that I needed to break, or was sleep walking.
But, after doing my research on the web and came across the attached video below, I then fully understood what was going on.
That's when I thought... "Hmmm I think I might want to see someone about this".
I called my mom, whose one of the only people whose known about this for awhile, for support and marched myself to the Bella Eating Disorders Center in Glendale where  they specialize in NES.
Im going to continue going to a few group therapy sessions with this specialist and am on my way to kicking this' things' butt!
My point sharing this to everyone is to educate people that eating disorders (any kind) can happen to anyone.
No one's perfect. Obviously,I sure am hell not.
Perhaps you  may realize you have NES yourself or if you have anything else personally that you've been keeping a secret and need to get off your shoulders, it's okay to let it out.
It may even be a huge weight off your shoulders. I know right now that how I feel.

Anyways, my point is just to let everyone know that they aren't alone and I'm owning up to my own personal imperfections. I'm done hiding.
Like I always say... It's okay if you aren't perfect but the first thing to do in order to fix yourself, is to acknowledge and own up to what's broken.
Baby steps.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Ordinary Girl's "Grocery List" #3

#3 "Why we eat more than we think: Mindless Eating" by Brian Wansink, Ph. D
I feel like whenever I talk about a book I never am quite able to express just HOW good it is.
I obviously wouldn't refer a book to anyone if I didn't think it would 1) make an impact on the way you see dieting or working out 2) be actually enjoyable, funny, interesting to read.
So know matter how much I lack important detail, your just going to have to trust me and go get the darn book.
I read this in four days and I can honestly say I will never over-eat unless its on PURPOSE, ever again.
This awesome book was recommended to me by my friend from Santa Clara, whose physiology class required her to read .... (Thank you Maxine!) :)

Brian's writes about his life which consists of numerous studies he conducts that revolutionizes our awareness of how much, what, and why we're eating. The answers he finds are bonkers.
This book will literally change the way you will think about your next meal.
What does your favorite comfort food say about you?
Can the size of your plate really influence your appetite?
Why do you eat more when you dine with friends?
Here's just an example in the book that specifically stuck in my head for some reason. Brian does one study where he places four bowls on a table and tells the "lab rats" not to move the bowl. What they don't know is that two of them have a hole on the bottom that is connected to a hidden tube that slowly seeps a little more tomato soup in it slowly, little by little so it doesn't look too suspicious. They are given twenty minutes to eat. The two people with normal bowls eats about one can of soup. The people with the trick bowl ate THREE cups of soup! that's 300 more calories! They were even eating after the twenty minutes were up.

Conclusion: We stop eating when there's no more food, we continue when there is abundance.
There's a ton of other crazy things Brian and his team put together and almost every outcome is astounding!
We don't pay attention to when were hungry or full. We use time to tell us it's dinner time and time to eat. We have plates that we eat until everythings gone, that's when we stop eating. Even the people around us determine how much we eat. When their done we're done, right? Your not going to keep sitting at the table eating when everyone's left the restaurant, are you?
It sounds simple. "Eat when you hungry."
But it's much more complex than that.
You'll never look at portions the same again after you read this!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Ordinary Girl's "Grocery List" #2

#2 Arctic Zero
My second discovery is this yummy find that I plan on indulging in for my treat meal every weekend until I get tired of it. Which might take quite awhile since it does come in not only nummy maple vanilla but, coffee, cookies n cream, chocolate, chocolate peanut butter, mint chocolate chip, and strawberry banana.
only 150 calories and not just per serving but for the WHOLE DARN PINT.

That's right, this Arctic Zero pint of ice cream from Whole Foods was like unlocking a huge hidden secret. Why doesn't anyone know about this?
You don't have to try and control yourself by taking out 1/4 of the ice cream and hoping you have the will power to not grab it back out of the fridge for more 20 minutes later.
You can just pull out a spoon and eat the whole thing in one sitting and you've only had 150 calories.
Of course you don't want to do this all the time because even though its fat free, virtually carb free, it does have a good chunk of sugar in it.
(Which we should know is wayyy worse than even fat for your body)
But if you clean eat for five days, Monday through Friday, you deserve this for your cheat meal.
You'll get to feel like your being bad, without the tummy ache and guilt attached.
Plus it's only $4.50.
At the frozen yogurt joint by your house you can get the same size thing for the same price or more.

I wouldn't post this if I didn't think you would enjoy this too. And I guess you all know what I'll be eating on the weekends around 9pm. I'm hooked. :D
#3 up tomorrow!

Monday, March 14, 2011

'Ordinary Girl Grocery List' #1

I bought three things that made my heart smile last month:
A new book, a pint of ice cream, and frog feet looking shoes.
And after these few weeks of reading, running, and eating my new goodies
I figured it would be rude to keep these awesome things all to myself for much longer
So lets get to the list...
#1 Vibram Five Fingers Shoes

These crazy looking shoes that I kept seeing people working out in at the gym, are actually better for your feet than your 150 hundred dollar nikes.
These are specifically for the running and hiking fans that are tired of the extra bulky feeling on their feet.
Have you ever seen people running barefoot along the tide for miles and thought, "ouch"?
Well apparently these people are doing something right.
A new study came out that proved that all the cushion, air lift, arch support, etc is actually RUINING our feet in the long run!
Our feet are made for barefeet walking so unless we live in the snow and need to keep our feet warm, these Vibrams are the closest way to sanitarily stretch our toes and will prevent foot problems far into the future.
Haha I know, yeah, they arn't the most normal looking shoes but they are the shiznits.
I got a few confused looks at first when walking into my class but mostly I get asked about them because people are so interested and open to these different looking footsies.
I mean they are flying off the shelves with more and more people in the United States finding out about them.
Actually, you should call a store ahead if you want to go buy them, just to make sure their in stock.
I got my new green pair for 99 dollars at Sports Chalet :)
(My grandpa was with me and got a pair himself too. He wants to start training for the Senior Olympics. He's so cool.)

The only downfall is that you have to get your feet used to wearing these. I wouldn't reccomend running more than a mile in them. Put them on around the house, to the store etc, because you have to train yourself to walk more on the balls of your feet instead of putting all the weight on your heels like we've been conditioned to do...which is the wrong way.
You get sore the first week you are active in them because your working different muscles than you usually do. Your legs get used to the change after awhile.

If you don't believe me check out the website and decide for yourself if it's worth the cash or not.

Digest this, go buy them, or tell a running friend, and I'll put up the second thing I bought last month, tomorrow

It's Monday so you know what that means, make yourself start of this week with a bang and go break a sweat! ;)

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

My new job may be the death of me

....not literally, but If you have ever worked in the restaurant business, I know you catch my drift.

A year ago I got my first restaurant job at a hot wings and beer place.
(yes I sported the orange shorts, embarrassing but it happened. anyways, moving on.)
Before then I had never been into fast food, breaded wings, or desserts.
It's hard to explain but, until you surrounded by hundreds of people and just the smell of this bad-for-you food in general all day everyday.... you start to get the illusion that it's okay to eat this kind of stuff every shift.
Plus its practically FREE. I mean, who can reject cheap food?
Apparently not me.
All the sudden I was craving the greasy stuff all day long. During my shift, after my shift, late at night, even in the morning.
My taste buds were really getting used to this stuff and no matter how hard I worked out and promised myself I would start back a healthy diet body wanted it more.
Then I moved to Los Angeles and got a job at an popular Irish pub in Hollywood.
It wasn't better.
Nachos, bread pudding, and fried avocado? What a disaster.
However, I will say in November I quit that job and found it so easy to transition back to my better habits when I quit.
I started this blog, working out again, cooking, hanging out at whole foods.
yay this was more like it!
But, it's been a few months, And cash is starting to run real low not working.
I'm defiently ready to start making that money again.
Ive been training at this new bar/24 hour restaurant which opens up in two days and I'd be lying if I said that I'm not doubting my will power ability to say "no".

Will I have the strength to say no to the quesadillas that are sent back and offered to the waiters?
Will I break and eat the food everyday on my lunch break? (These aren't small portions people)
Will I sneak a fry or two (or 50) here and there in the kitchen?
(people who work with food don't judge, you know you do it too.)
I MUST STAY STRONG and set some goals for me to resist falling back in the hole I once caught myself falling into.
So here I go. I'm publicly announcing this so you all can hold me accountable.
Here's what I plan to do to avoid this turning into a disaster:

I found a co worker who has the same trouble and is down to help support each other to stay on the right track. We are going to try and hit the gym either before or after work. We will not eat at the restraunt, EVER under any circumstances. Theres a Trader Joe's right next store so no excuses. We will bring snacks for snacking emergencies and it will be good for me to practice saying "no" to free food and remember just because its free doesn't mean it's good.

I can do this.

I can do this.

I can do this.....
Please pray for me just in case though :)

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

What kind of eater are you?

It's not necssarily ALL our fault we eat like sh*t.
& thank goodness because I was starting to get really frustrated with myself....

I stumbled upon an article called, 'What kind of eater are you?' the other day. I enjoyed it personally because not only did it make me feel less weird for having such repetitive bad cravings and eating schedules but....
it also said it wasn't necessarily all MY fault, either.
This was incredible music to my ears.
Anytime I get the chance to not have to take responsibility for my bad actions, I'm going to take it! :)
Maybe some of you will feel better too. It breaks it down like this.

Some of the many different reason we struggle with food stem from the way we were told, how we were raised, and how we are emotionally. I'm not saying however that these are unchangeable habit's because they ARE. However, we don't have to blame ourselves all the time.

The Choatic Eater is completely out of touch with their eating choices and habits. Constantly eating on the go, skipping meals, and over schedule themselves. They deal with food when it present and don't think about it till the next time food comes up.

The Unconscious Eater is never in tune to what their eating. Usually eat while multi-tasking driving, watching TV, cooking, working, reading etc. They'll eat whenever food is available and don't know if they are even hungry or have reached their fullness level. I like to call these zombie eaters too.

The Emotional Eater uses food to numb themselves to cope with something without realizing they are doing so. What they do realize though is that they eat too much. They feel powerless around food, often finishing a whole bag of potato chips without thinking for example.

The Waste Nothing Eater will eat more than they want to because they hate seeing food go to waste. They associate food with money but they dont realize that by doing this they ARE wasting! When food is in abundance they can help but to over eat until the full of  their stomach about to rupture.

The Cant-Say-No Eater is pretty self explanatory, If someone encourages them to eat more than they need or want, or invites them to eat when they just ate...they can't say no. Fearful of hurting or disappointing another persons feelings or impressing someone. A lot of people do this especially over the holidays.

The Restrictive Eaters seem to always be on a diet. The chronic dieter is constantly striving to lose a specific amount of weight, and creating new good and bad food lists they try to adhere to, but in the end they yo-yo between under eating, over eating and eating a whole bunch at once.(Binging) For these people there's little pleasure to eating.
I guess if I went into a BEA (Bad Eaters Anonymous) a year ago, I introduce myself like this
"Hi, I'm Jessica and I'm a unconscious, emotional, waste-not, refuse-not, restrictive eater... and it's not my fault"

Now, If none of these apply to you... gold star for you, me and the rest of the world envy your grace :)
But for all the rest I thought I'd post this for you guys so maybe you'll figure out what kind of eater YOU are.

Habits are easier to fix if you know what your dealing with ;)

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Get your beast on

Goals Goals Goals.
They're always nice to have, make and then re create and re create.
Besides being on track for YOUR own well being... sometimes it isn't enough motivation for us.
So that why making very specific goals are so important.
They give us an exact point that we want to reach so we can prove to ourselves that we are unstoppable, once we get there.
I'm a little stuck now.
My goal to lose weight is wayyyy in the past and since then I haven't set any goal but to create habits to remain weekly in my life forever.
It's the main goal but I won't reach there until I die so I want to set up like goals to work toward in between now and then.
Theres no right or wrong way, no too big or too little goal.
The point is that you make one, focus in on it, and attack it!

So thank goodness for, I found my goal to work toward for these next two month!
(Which is the coolest website. I highly recommend you check it out if you have never before.)

It's a marathon without just the running. It an obstacle course you'd see as a challenge on Survivor. It's the dirtiest marathon obstacle course put on by extreme organizations called Tough Mudder and Warrior Dash.
The course consists of carrying logs, running through "burning houses", fire pits, crawling in the mud under barbwire, and a bunch of other crazy strenuous tasks.
And you thought that sounded hard? Some of them as long as ten miles.
For those of you who know me well this is right up my alley.

Of course I want to compete but I want to do well so I have to start training.
On these websites they have workouts that prepare you  and I'll put those that I think are a  really good workout, in a blog when I start training, for you guys.
So far I know I have one person who definitely wants to participate with me but, I think it would be fun and even more motivating, if I got a coed team together for this!

Here's the links to the websites if any one is interested in getting in shape and competing in something completely different.
Just remember, this isn't for the people who just like getting dressed up in war paint and want a cool shot running through fire for their facebook default, this is serious.

hehe not really so check it out :)
oh and for the beer drinkers, after-party is included. should be a hoot. &