Friday, February 24, 2012

whats your favorite healthy meal to make?

Mine is ground turkey cooked in coconut oil with cauliflower garlic "mashed potatoes" and some avocado! 
What's your favorite healthy meal or snack???

Tuesday, February 21, 2012


8 months ago I had moved out here to San Luis Obispo to move in with my sister, continue to go to school, and get certified as a personal trainer. Coming from Los Angeles I was horribly depressed, constantly working out, dieting, and then rebelling against it day after day. My love for fitness was strong but I, like so many other people, had a problem with eating my emotions. I started in June and made my sister take this god awful picture of me because I was determined this time I was going to stick with it! Well one month went by and I started eating clean and continuing to kick my butt with plyometrics workouts. I was getting strong and my body was changing so quickly. A couple months in, I fell off the bandwagon. And I continued to mess up, digging in the peanut butter at night or drinking a little bit too much after work every once in awhile but practice makes perfect and I refused to give up
It's horribly embarrassing and I had to force myself but I wanted to put these pictures up because I wanted to show people that change doesn't happen over night. It takes practice and failing sometimes. Not a lot of people think that I could have ever been out of shape from my flamboyant passion for health and fitness. Also, I wanted to show people that you CAN do this alone. Im not surrounded by athletes and fitness models, I had never took a nutrition or health class. But I did the research on my own, played guinea pig on myself and didn't trust everything people told me was the "right" thing to do. Educate yourself. Your body. Your responsibility. No excuses. No magic weight loss wand.

I picked this picture because I'm wearing the same pants :)

Before                                          After
June 28 2011                               February 5 2012
24% body fat                               16% body fat
143 lbs                                         143 1bs
Age 22                                         Age 22
5'9"                                              5'9"

And this is by far not the end of my journey. I constantly set new goals and strive to be better, the way I look and feel is no exception. I just recently joined the bikini natural competition team "Team Fox" and have started on my journey to compete this year with the support of a coach and my fellow foxy ladies!

Monday, February 20, 2012

Keto or No-No?

Here's an article I found online. I personally use this system and its working very well for me. This may not be do-able for everyone and may not fit everyone goals if your goals arn't to lose body fat. You be the judge, tell me what you think :)

In Depth Look At Ketogenic

 Diets And Ketosis.

The main benefit of keto diets is that it increases the body's ability to utilize fats for fuel, which gets very lazy on a high carbohydrate diet. Learn the scientific facts!

What exactly is Ketosis? The metabolic state of ketosis simply means that the quantity of ketone bodies in the blood have reached higher than normal levels. When the body is in a ketogenic state this means that lipid energy metabolism is intact. This means that the body will start breaking down your own body fat to fuel the body's normal, every day functions.

What's So Great About Being In Ketosis?

Establishing this metabolic state of ketosis even for a short period of time has many outstanding benefits.

Benefit #1

The main benefit being that it increases the body's ability to utilize fats for fuel, which gets very lazy on a high carbohydrate diet. When on high carbohydrate diets the body can usually expect an energy source to keep entering the body. But in the state of ketosis the body has to become efficient at mobilizing fats as energy.

Benefit #2

Another nifty thing about being in a state of ketosis is that if the body has no further use for ketones they can simply be excreted through urine as a waste product. This means that at times your body will be peeing out body fat! This is a novel theme because you body is very efficient at storing energy substrates for later use.

Benefit #3

Ketosis has a protein sparing effect, assuming that you are consuming adequate quantities of protein and calories in the first place. Once in ketosis the body actually prefers ketones to glucose. Since the body has copious quanities of fat this means that there is no need to oxidize protein to generate glucose through gluconeogenesis.

Benefit #4

Another benefit has to do with the low levels of insulin in the body, which causes greater lipolysis and free glycerol release compared to a normal diet when insulin is around 80-120. Insulin has a lipolysis blocking effect, which can inhibit the use of fatty acids as energy. Also when insulin is brought to low levels many beneficial hormones are released in the body such as growth hormone and other powerful growth factors.

Benefit #5

Another small but very important benefit about the ketogenic diet is that when in the state of ketosis, ketones seem to blunt hunger in many people. I mean honestly, what is not better than being on a low calorie diet and not being hungry all the time like you usually are such as on a high carbohydrate diet. Since on the ketogenic diet you have to consume a lot of fat, which hold 9 calories, you are not getting much food volume. This makes not being hungry a very good thing when on the diet. When you add such thermogenics like the ECA stack and prescription appetite suppressants you won't even think about your next meal. It's kind of funny that when the Atkins' diet first came out one of the early criticisms was that the diet blunted hunger too much! What, is it mandatory to be hungry on a reduced calorie diet?

Benefit #6

The last benefit has to do with the fact that a ketone body is an inefficient fuel source due to the fact that when the fatty acid is converted to a KB it contains 7 calories. This means that the normal pound of fat has less than 3500 calories.

Where Is The Scientific Data?

The state of ketosis is to the most part controlled by insulin, glucagon, and blood glucose levels. Insulin is one of the hormones that the pancreas secretes in the presence of carbohydrates. Insulin's purpose is to keep blood glucose levels in check by acting like a driver, pushing the glucose in the blood into cells. If insulin were not to be secreted blood glucose levels would get out of control and this would not be good for the body.
Glucagon on the other side of the spectrum is insulin's antagonistic hormone which is also secreted by the pancreas when insulin falls to quite low levels, this usually happens when a person skips meals, or does not consume adequate amounts of carbohydrates for an extended period of time. When this happens glucagon is secreted by the pancreas to break down stored glycogen in the liver into a more usable form, glucose. But what happens if this continues and liver glycogen runs out? This is where the metabolic state of ketosis comes in, because the pancreas can also start breaking down free fatty acids into a usable energy substrate, also known as ketones, or ketone bodies.

What Is A Ketone, Or A Ketone Body (KB)?

A KB is formed in the liver through the Krebs cycle, or the citric acid cycle. When there is no glycogen for the body to run off of, the pancreas releases glucagon. Glucagon is a catabolic hormone, since it is used to break down body tissues for energy. In our case glucagon is very important since it is used to convert free fatty acids into the energy substrate called a ketone. Ketones are free fatty acids broken down through a process that involves carnitine and glucagon. After the free fatty acids are processed in the liver the fats have been transformed into beta-hydroxybutyric and aceto-acetic acids, or, what you and I know them as, "ketones".

Does Being In The Metabolic State Of Ketosis Present Dangers?

In reality the benefits of the ketogenic diet heavily outweigh the few pit falls it may have. Some of the points of arguments are:

Pitfall #1

During the first few weeks of the ketogenic diet the body has to go through the "metabolic shift", as Mauro DiPasquale calls it. While going through this the body will experience a small degree of fatigue and brain fog, but once the body gets used to manufacturing ketones as the main energy substrate the body actually has more energy than it previously had, and you won't have to be fighting through all those low blood sugar crashes that your high carb meals previously gave you. Also when in ketosis, ketones are the preferred energy substrate for the brain over protein.

Pitfall #2

Blood lipid profile is also a concern on the ketogenic diet due to the staggering amounts of saturated fats in the diet, although the diet can be centered around healthy fats, what is not as fun as eating a egg and cheese omelet fried in butter with bacon on the side! The issue of blood lipid profile is experiencing much debate due to the fact that for some people following the ketogenic diet, they will experience a drop in cholesterol levels, while for some it will increase.

Pitfall #3

Another point is that since carbohydrates are so restricted during the no carbohydrate portion the issue of micronutrient deficiencies can occur. The best thing to do to avoid this is to make sure you take a high quality multi vitamin /mineral twice a day to insure that you are getting 100% of the daily value. Also supplementing with a fiber supplement is a good idea to make sure you plumbing doesn't get clogged, if you know what I mean. Another course of action one can take is to make sure that on the high carbohydrate period of the diet you consume adequate amounts of fibrous green vegetables, and also quality carbohydrate sources such as brown rice, squash, sweet potatoes, and whole-wheat pastas.

Pitfall #4

This last focus point is the danger of ketoacidosis. This occurs when the level of ketones in the blood gets out of control, this happens because ketones are acidic only as long as they are floating around waiting to be burned. If the level of ketones in the blood rises out of control it would lower the pH of the blood and this could result in death. BUT, this is not a concern for the non-diabetic whatsoever because for the non-diabetic blood sugar levels are kept low by our bodies and it will only allow so many ketones to be manufactured at one time. In the diabetic person blood sugar can rise as high as 300-2000mg/dl, where as normal being around 80-120. Also when this happens the low insulin to glucagon ratio causes ketogenesis to be stimulated, this is where the person can run into ketoacidosis.

What About The Anti Catabolic Effects Of The Ketogenic Diet?

Every reduced calorie diet is Catabolic, meaning that they can cause you to lose muscle. It's a fact! This is largely due to the fact that on a reduced calorie diet many of the anabolic hormones in the body are significantly reduced. Added to that most dieters do copious amounts of aerobic exercise when dieting which is a very good way to catabolize muscle. So the main thing we can try to do is lose the least amount of muscle possible when dieting, or even possibly rebuild lost tissue, which is where the carb-up comes in. But that will not be discussed in this chapter.
Other than hormonal reasons the main reason why catabolism occurs is because protein will be broken down, or catabolized, to make glucose. This is because the brain uses a boat load of glycogen, upwards of 25% of the body's glucose. Now when carbohydrates are restricted, the body will still need glucose for the brain, so it is forced to breakdown protein mostly from your own muscle tissue.
Now, ketosis is different because when in the state of ketosis the brain will prefer ketones over glucose. For the dieter this is very good because the body will not have to break down protein for energy. In turn the body will be forced to use its fat reserves, a.k.a. your love handles, for its energy. This is why ketosis is such a good method ofdieting.

So What Is The Best Way To Get There?

Ultimately the best way to get into ketosis is to incorporate the use of performance enhancers into the diet. But that is a topic for a later chapter, for now I will explain the best way to get into ketosis using mostly dietary tricks.
Through experimentation I have found that the best way to get into the metabolic state of ketosis is starting off using a fairly high fat intake with small amounts of protein. After your body gets into ketosis I feel that the fat intake can be reduced and the protein intake can be increased.
During the first two days after the carb-up, I suggest the dieter use a ratio of 80% fat, 20% protein, and no carbs, except the small amounts in eggs, and the small amount in cheese. Due to the low amounts of protein, insulin will drop faster, because protein can be converted in to glucose with about 58% efficiency, allowing the dieter to reach ketosis quicker. After those two days the ratios are going to change slightly because the body will need more protein for muscle tissue.
After the two days the dieter should change the ratios to 65% fat, 30% protein, and 5% carbs. This will insure that the dieter stays in ketosis but also has enough protein for the muscles. The small amounts of carbs should mostly come from high fiber veggies to insure adequate bowel movements.
Now the no carb period can be used longer causing the carb up to be more infrequent, but for most people the carb up will be Friday night and all day Saturday. Before Friday's workout we want to insure maximal glycogen super compensation. To do this the dieter is going to drop his amounts of saturated fats and make sure that his intake is only of quality fats. This is due to the effects that saturated fats have on insulin sensitivity.
Also around two hours before the workout the dieter should consume a small amount of carbs, aPowerBar will work well in this situation. This is so the body will not be running off ketones and blood glucose will be able to drop lower than the normal state of ketosis, which is around 50-60. This is important due to the fact that the lower the blood glucose in the body, the more of an anabolic effect the carb-load will have on the muscles. This is important because the main goal of the carb-up is to rebuild any muscle loss that occurred during the week, and we want all the possible carbs available for muscular anabolism to occur. But the main science about glycogen super compensation is to come later in the my book.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

I have had many people reach out to me with their own fitness goals, advice, and success stories.
and I absolutely LOVE it :)
Just wanted to quickly remind everyone that I believe one of the key factors to living a successful healthy lifestyle is to surround yourself with people who share the same goals and inspire you to keep on track.
So I need you guys as much as you need me, pretty much. So keep the emails coming!!!
I am constantly learning still everyday so please keep sharing with me and if you haven't please dont hesistate to reach out. Hope everyone is having a relaxing Sunday and getting ready to kick some butt tomorrow to start the week right :)


Monday, February 13, 2012

Chronic Cardio and Crunches

Ladies please stop worrying about finding a "good ab workout"
and PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE stop it with that chronic cardio!!
Iv'e gotten a lot of questions lately about not wanting to do full body workouts and I just have one thing to say.
You will NEVER see a girl with a six pack but weak arms and legs. NEVER.
It is impossible to have a six pack (or at least see it) if you don't have a body fat percentage of 14-16% or lower and just doing constant cardio burns through your lean mass and not your fat mass. Sure, you'll see the scale go down but your not going to see those nice stomach muscles.
And crunches. ANY KIND OF CRUNCHES, I dont care if you do a million of these everyday. If your diet isn't 80% clean and if your skimping out on the interval training, all your doing is pushing the fat layer on your stomach out further. Yes if your constantly crunching you'll build a little muscle underneath but it'll all but for nothing because no ones going to see it.
Side note: A clean diet is eating things that come straight from the source. Such as in the form of an animal or a  plant. (protein powder is the exception).
Abs are made in the kitchen.

Sorry, had to vent a little. Abs arn't the only thing a girl needs anyways. Who wants to grab a flabby butt or hold onto mushy arms anyways? No thanks.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

If you MUST do an hour of cardio what I did. You'll be sure to get a major sweat on and if your a cardio machine lover, your going to be excited about this.
Here's what I did today, try it and do yourself a favor. NEVER go back to your skinny fat treadmill running routine again! ;) If you dont have a jump rope, running in place with high knees is just as good!

Step 1:
Treadmill 20 minutes total
2 minute uphill FAST walking
2 minute no incline run as fast as you can!
1 minute step of the treadmill and do 10 burpes
Repeat 3 more times

Step 2:
10 minutes jump roping
50 seconds on, 10 second rest
Repeat 9 more times

Step 3:
Stair Master 20 minutes total
2 minutes climb as fast as you can without hanging on!
2 minutes slow skip a step kick backs for a butt burn
1 minute slow rest to give your legs a quick break
Repeat 3 more times

Step 4:
Jump rope 50 skips
5 burpees
Jump rope 50 skips
4 burpees..... etc to 1 burpee

Sweat literally burning my eyeballs.... successful workout.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Things I can't live without and neither should you

Coconut Oil

This stuff is packed full of saturated fat and I cook 1 tbsp of this stuff with practically everything. It adds a sweetness without the sugar. P.S. New studies have shown that saturated fats don't make us fat if it comes from a natural source that hasn't been processed, so no fret! I use this instead of olive oil to cook with because unlike coconut oil that can withstand high heat, olive oil actually turns into transfat if it gets to a certain temperature. So drizzle the olive oil over your food and cook your food in the coco oil :)

Dynamitze Whey Isolate Vanilla

I mix this with water for my first meal of the day, use it directly after a hard workout, or mix it with 16oz of almond milk as a snack to keep me satisfied in between meals.

The Green Stuff (Broccoli, Spinach, Brussel Sprouts, Asparagus) 

These have the lowest sugar content out of any other vegetables, for the most part they have medium levels of carbohydrates so you can stay away from all the pasta and grains that are keeping us fat.

Almond Milk

Its only 40 calories and is made out of fat burning FAT. 1 gram of sugar and 2 grams of carbs. This is wonderful to make your casein shakes at night with or with your protein powder for inbetween meal snacks. I usually drink 16oz at a time (2 servings)

Lean Turkey

This is my ultimate favorite protein. Cook with coconut oil mmmmm Im in heaven.

Casein Protein Powder

Its a slow releasing protein so I make a shake with this Peanut Butter Chocolate Flavor Casein Powder. Soooooo delicious and it keeps me from being hungry through the night from the slow release.

Fish Oil and CLA Pills

I take with every solid meal. This combo is especially good to help get rid of abdominal fat

Personally I stay away from
Vegetable or fruit juice its usually loaded with carbs, sugar, and calories. Then minus the nutritious fiber that makes fruits and veggies so good for us in the first place. I think juicing meals is probably the stupidest thing Ive ever heard of. Period.
-Peanut Butter
Well first of all, I can't control my intake of this delicious stuff so I just avoid it all together. Nuts are good for you I get it..... too bad peanuts are a legume not a nut. Try almond butter raw instead.
-Grains, Rice,  & Beans
unless your a triathlete training miles and miles and miles a day, you don't need that "energy". Eat more fat sources like avocado, nuts, animal fat, coconut oil or olive oil instead as fuel. It'll burn off quick and take your body fat with it. Double plus.
Everyone has their own opinion about this one but I personally broke my cheese and yogurt addiction. It was just extra calories and it just didnt help, I think I'll stick to my unprocessed veggies, complete protein, and nummy fat
Sadly this turns straight to fat people, you might as well eat some greasy pizza and a taco cart burrito. Oh wait, you usually eat that too after a few hours of consuming alcohol.  Good luck working THAT off :/

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Superbowl Challenge

600 Reps in 30 minutes

10 Half Burpees
10 Jump Squats with Sandbag
10 Push Ups
10 Ab Crunch on Dipstation
10 Reverse Pull Ups
10 Jump Lunges
10 Pike Ups
10 Frog Planks
10 Squat Side kicks with Sanbag
10 Tricep Dips